After a healthier jam alternative? Well, look no further. Our deliciously fruity spread is packed with the same great taste but none of the sugar.
Plus, it’s made with real fruit extracts and natural flavourings, our Fruit Spread Zero is set to become your new cupboard essential.
- Less than 1 calorie per serving
- Sugar-free and fat-free
- Made with fruit extracts and natural flavourings
- Vegan-friendly
- Free from gluten-containing ingredients
Just one tablespoon of traditional jam can have over 40 calories, whereas Fruit Spread Zero has less than one — so there’s no reason to give up your favourite foods.
It looks and tastes just like strawberry jam, but comes without the unwanted fat and sugars.
So, spread it on your favourite desserts, liven up morning porridge, or simply enjoy some classic jam on toast
When to enjoy Fruit Spread Zero?
Swirl it into your oats, add a dollop to your favourite desserts, or just get spreading on toast — whatever you fancy.
What to enjoy Fruit Spread Zero with?
This fruity spread is a great swap to keep the flavour you love, without the calories — just like our Sugar-Free Syrup, which is perfect for topping your pancakes and desserts.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Once opened, keep refrigerated and consume within 4 weeks. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
정제수, 증점제 (카르복시메틸셀룰로오스, 펙틴, 카라기닌), 천연향료, 산도조절제 (말산, 구연산나트륨), 농축물 (흑당근, 홍화), 감미료 (수크랄로스), 보존료 (소르브산칼륨, 벤조산나트륨).
1회 제공량 - 15g
총제공량 - 33회
영양 정보
100g당 | 1회 제공량당 | ||
열량 | 19kJ/4.0kcal | 3.4 kJ/0.6kcal | |
지방 | 0g | 0g | |
포화지방 | 0g | 0g | |
탄수화물 | 0.9g | 0.1g | |
당류 | 0.09g | 0.01g | |
단백질 | 0g | 0g | |
나트륨 | 0.23g | 0.03g |
- BFS - Myprotein
Strawberry Flavour Spread with Sweeteners
- Myprotein
- 채식주의
- 비건
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*제품별 기본 할인율의 경우, 행사 진행중일지라도 재고사정에 따라 별도의 안내없이 변동될 수 있습니다.
*본 이벤트는 1월 27일 19:59 PM 종료 예정이나, 재고 사정 등에 따로 별도의 안내 없이 조기종료 혹은 할인가 조정이 될 수 있음을 알려 드립니다.
배송 & 반품안내
실시간 상담
상담원 연결 평균 소요시간25초
상담원 연결 평균 소요시간25초
After a healthier jam alternative? Well, look no further. Our deliciously fruity spread is packed with the same great taste but none of the sugar.
Plus, it’s made with real fruit extracts and natural flavourings, our Fruit Spread Zero is set to become your new cupboard essential.
- Less than 1 calorie per serving
- Sugar-free and fat-free
- Made with fruit extracts and natural flavourings
- Vegan-friendly
- Free from gluten-containing ingredients
Just one tablespoon of traditional jam can have over 40 calories, whereas Fruit Spread Zero has less than one — so there’s no reason to give up your favourite foods.
It looks and tastes just like strawberry jam, but comes without the unwanted fat and sugars.
So, spread it on your favourite desserts, liven up morning porridge, or simply enjoy some classic jam on toast
When to enjoy Fruit Spread Zero?
Swirl it into your oats, add a dollop to your favourite desserts, or just get spreading on toast — whatever you fancy.
What to enjoy Fruit Spread Zero with?
This fruity spread is a great swap to keep the flavour you love, without the calories — just like our Sugar-Free Syrup, which is perfect for topping your pancakes and desserts.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Once opened, keep refrigerated and consume within 4 weeks. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
정제수, 증점제 (카르복시메틸셀룰로오스, 펙틴, 카라기닌), 천연향료, 산도조절제 (말산, 구연산나트륨), 농축물 (흑당근, 홍화), 감미료 (수크랄로스), 보존료 (소르브산칼륨, 벤조산나트륨).
1회 제공량 - 15g
총제공량 - 33회
영양 정보
100g당 | 1회 제공량당 | ||
열량 | 19kJ/4.0kcal | 3.4 kJ/0.6kcal | |
지방 | 0g | 0g | |
포화지방 | 0g | 0g | |
탄수화물 | 0.9g | 0.1g | |
당류 | 0.09g | 0.01g | |
단백질 | 0g | 0g | |
나트륨 | 0.23g | 0.03g |
- BFS - Myprotein
Strawberry Flavour Spread with Sweeteners
- Myprotein
- 채식주의
- 비건
다른 고객분들께서 함께 구매한 제품
고객 리뷰
우수 상품평
음식 또는 화장품 제품류는 개인에 따라서 리뷰가 많이 다릅니다. 고객 리뷰는 독립적이고 헛 그룹 전체를 대표하지 않습니다.
일단 약맛남. 두어번 먹다보면 자연스럽게 타협돼서, 약맛 안 느껴지고 단맛 남. 여기서 ㄹㅇ 딸기맛/향을 바라는 건 양심없긴 한데, 칼로리 생각하면 개추. 재구매 의사 높음.
도움이 되었나요?
정신없을 때 먹어서 맛이 잘 기억이 안나는데 맛있게 먹었어요!!
도움이 되었나요?
가성비 괜찮아요.
제과점이나 마트에서 파는 잼들은 거의 설탕덩어린데 이 제품은 무설탕이라길래 맛은 그냥그렇고 건강생각해서 먹는다는 생각으로 샀는데 맛있네요. 아침에 토스트먹을때마다 발라 먹습니다. 가성비도 괜찮아요 보통 제과점에서 500그람짜리 잼 8000~10000정도에 파는데 가성비 생각하면 정말 괜찮습니다.
도움이 되었나요?